15 Thing Friday: Obsessing about my first half marathon edition!

1.  I did my last training run yesterday and aside from some crazy wind in my face for the second half of it, it was wonderful!  I ran the trail and tried to keep the pace of my running intervals between 10:00 and 11:00.  Even uphill!  I was really proud of how well it went and now I'm feeling confident and ready for Sunday.

2.  Meanwhile, I found the perfect shorts for the half.

If you know me at all, you know that I actually seriously considered purchasing these just so I can have them in my drawer.

3.  Actually, I did splurge a little and bought the CW-X compression tights I was obsessing over.  But I got all twitterpated when I ordered them and told myself I wouldn't fit into the medium, so I ordered a large pair.  As if my ego wasn't big enough already... they're too big.  After I did an adequate happy dance, I realized I was super disappointed.  So now I'm trying to squeeze a trip to the local Road Runner Sports (by local I mean it's 25 miles away from my house) into my crazy day tomorrow, along with working two meetings and racing to the expo.  Which I am SO EXCITED FOR I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!

4.  I did have a minor panic attack when I first got the CW-X tights out of the package, though, because I realized that they didn't have a nice pocket for my phone.  God forbid I rely on the water and Cytomax stations they provide, because obviously I am hell bent on carrying my Camelbak and my handheld water bottle... which I hope isn't too obnoxious, but it's what I've gotten used to, and I don't want to change anything at the last minute.  But with my water bottle in my right hand, I don't want my phone in my left hand because I like having a free hand... THE AGONY!  Then I re-read all of Cely's posts where she was worrying about Chicago, and it made me feel better.  At least I'm not the only one who gets a little freaked.

5.  I've been slightly in denial all week about how fast the half was coming up, but I thought today I'd finally take a minute to look at what other people recommend eating the last couple of days before the race.  After reading a whole lot of articles, I decided I needed some more carbs.  So I did what any good health conscious runner would do: I went to Chipotle and got a massive burrito with some chocolate milk.

Bonnie was also interested - she felt pretty depleted after this morning's walk and wanted to replenish her glycogen stores.

6.  Not half related, but when I went to work yesterday afternoon, I felt like this:

And when I left, it was a whole lot more like this:

It wasn't a pretty day.

7.  I skipped Turbo Fire today.  And yesterday.  My excuse is that I need to take it easy before the half.  But really, I'm just burnt out on Turbo Fire and thrilled that running 13.1 miles gives me a great reason to slack off.

8.  They keep changing the forecast for Sunday.  A week ago, it was in the 50s and partly cloudy, otherwise known as perfect for running.  Then it was high 30s and snowing, and then mid-40s and raining.  Now it's back to 50s and partly cloudy.  If you're not doing anything Saturday night, please do me a favor and pray to the weather gods for no rain.

9.  I have already decided on my post-half-marathon dinner.  I will be having a two pound pizza from Beau Jo's.  It's designed to feed 2-3 people, so I'll probably need a side of breadsticks too.

Just looking at it makes me drool.

10.  I also have a feeling that some of this will be in order post-half...

Or maybe pre-half.  Like right now.

11.  Again, not half related... but I love Frasier.  Really.  God bless WE tv for having hours of it on at a time.

That will probably be my face when I cross the finish line.

12.  Two nights ago, I dreamt that it took me four hours to finish the half.  Last night, I dreamt that I finished in 2:30.  Even my subconscious is unsure about this whole thing.

13.  Of course, I also dreamt that I looked like Sofia Vergara, so... my brain is clearly delusional.

14.  Obviously I'm watching Frasier right this second.  They mentioned gummi bears.  Now all I want in the world is a delicious, sugary, gummi snack.

15.  My eye just started ticking.  Either I desperately need to get to sleep or see a doctor.  That's a delightful 15th thing, isn't it?

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