Today's workouts:
Upper Fix from 21 Day Fix
3.41 mile run
I'm getting old, kids. And this time I'm not just saying that because I ordered a cross stitch kit from Etsy (though that did happen) - I'm saying it because somehow, I looked up today, and it was March 10th. How did it get to be March 10th?! Seriously, didn't this year just start? Didn't I just make New Year's Resolutions? DIDN'T I JUST BLOG?!!
The answer to that, of course, is no. I haven't blogged in nearly two months. Have I put it on my to do list almost every day? Absolutely. Have I thought about it? Yup. But I haven't done it. Not my proudest moment, but it's not because I was hiding. It's because, as it turns out, I've got quite a balancing act going on right now. Working full time job with Disney, trying to get my Beachbody business up and running, getting used to living with Jamie and our fur person, working out more, meal planning, and cooking... WOOF. Seriously. I don't know how mothers function. I can barely handle feeding the cat.
But today I decided to focus on getting things done. I made a to do list. I finished half of it. I'm starting to understand what people mean when they say there aren't enough hours in the day. So in lieu of discussing how many things are left unchecked on my to do list right now, let's catch up on a few big things that have happened since I last blogged!
1. I started and finished the 21 Day Fix! I will admit that I didn't follow it perfectly - but it was damn close! The one really hard part was trying to balance the 21 Day Fix workouts with my runs because I was in the last stretch of training for the Princess Half. But even with a few changes in the workout plan and a few slip ups in the eating plan, I ended up losing 3 pounds in the 21 days! It wasn't a drastic change, but it was progress, and that was all I wanted!
2. I became an Emerald Beachbody Coach! Last time I blogged, I explained that I had just become a Beachbody Coach. At the time, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I just signed up because I wanted to get 21 Day Fix, I wanted to try Shakeology, and if I liked both of them, I wanted to help people reap the same benefits I was seeing. Now, almost two months later, I realize what a powerful choice becoming a coach really was. My personal commitment to my own health and fitness goals has skyrocketed because coaching has held me accountable. My team of coaches puts on monthly challenge groups which have added to my accountability, and helped motivate and encourage me on days that I struggle. And that's just me. The really rewarding part of coaching has been seeing my friends and family see their own amazing results. I had one challenger lose 8 pounds on 21 Day Fix, another lose 9 pounds, and one of my best friends in the whole world lost 15 pounds. Fifteen pounds in three weeks! BOOM! On top of seeing amazing results, some of my challengers have also seen how motivating and encouraging coaches are, and how life changing the challenge groups can be. These are the people who have reached out to me about becoming a coach themselves. And THIS is how I became Emerald. Being an Emerald Beachbody Coach just means that I have brought two people into coaching under me. So I'm building a team! This is something that I am ridiculously excited about and have some incredible ideas for. I'm so pumped about my team I can hardly stand myself.
3. I ran my ninth half marathon! Sometimes I can't quite believe that I've run one half marathon, let alone nine of them and a full marathon too. But the Princess Half Marathon on February 22nd marked my ninth official half marathon. And coming up in May, I'll be running my tenth! This continues to blow my mind.
4. I started a hybrid of 21 Day Fix and PiYo! I loved the 21 Day Fix, really. I will admit that I had some ups and downs with it, but that was mostly due to the fact that I am terrible at meal planning, and would let myself get too hungry and frustrated. That's something I continue to work on. I bought myself a meal planner and am hoping that helps! But as much as I loved 21 Day Fix, it does come with a unique problem - it's over in three weeks. So at the end of the three weeks, I found myself wondering what I would do next. I knew I didn't want to repeat 21 Day Fix exactly again for three more weeks, especially because it was hard to balance those workouts with running. So I decided to make myself a hybrid. For the month of March, I have combined 21 Day Fix with another program called PiYo, which is a blend of Pilates and yoga created by my hero and my nemesis, Chalene Johnson. Chalene tends to create pretty tough workouts (TurboFire, anyone?) and PiYo is no exception. But it's a great low impact break for my joints, and a great cross training for my running. So why did I keep the 21 Day Fix workouts? Because they're fun! They're 30 minutes! I really do love them and plan on using them more in the future.
Well, I think that about wraps up the big highlights of the past month and a half. In addition to recommitting to my fitness, I plan on recommitting to this blog. I can't guarantee I'll be blogging daily, but at least a few times a week is the goal. Fingers crossed!