BUT I have made it four days so far! Yes, you read that correctly - I have made it through four days of the running streak AND since it didn't start until Monday, but I ran on Sunday, I ran five days in a row! This is impressive for me. I am taking it very slow and very easy on the one mile days (sticking to the one mile for now since I want to focus on my training runs for Disneyland and cross training), but it is still running, and I'm still really stinking proud of myself. I've been posting about it on Instagram with my account for Tone it Up - you can find that here. I am "tiurunnerjess" on Instagram if you want to come follow me!
I've been posting pictures of my Garmin with a date stamp so that I can keep track of my runs, except for the last couple days when I used pictures of my RunKeeper app because my Garmin died (oops).
I just started using RunKeeper and I'm pretty impressed so far. It will never replace my Garmin because that is my sweet baby, but what I love about RunKeeper is that it lets you set a goal for yourself and it shows your progress. I set a mileage goal and it's fun to see the little chart pop up at the end of each run and watch myself get closer!
And speaking of goals... I have (once again) recommitted to Weight Watchers. I'll be totally honest - I have been struggling. It's hard having been a Weight Watchers Leader to go back in and admit how badly you need help. On top of that, I don't particularly like any of the Leaders and meetings I've encountered here. They're okay, but it's a long drive to the meeting location (about a half hour each way from my apartment) and I have better things to do than drive an hour to go to a half hour meeting that doesn't get me motivated or excited. But meetings are what got me to my goal weight. So I've been having a bit of a crisis. So I dug down deep today after talking to my mom about it and really tried to figure out what to do. And when I thought about it, it really wasn't a tough decision - Weight Watchers was the only thing that worked well for me before, and I know it will work for me again. I just have to do it. I cannot keep making excuses. Yes, the meetings worked for me and helped me get to my goal. But it wasn't the meetings that got me there - it was me. It was my hard work and determination. Just because I don't love the meetings here doesn't mean I'm off the hook. I can still work hard, eat right, track, and exercise. This program works if I follow it, but I have to follow it.
So I'm taking a tip from the Tone it Up girls today. The inspirational challenge of the day from them for the Bikini Series is to "Think about 2 small adjustments you can make to your routine! Think about little changes that can pay off BIG by the time summer arrives. Maybe you need to go to bed 15 minutes sooner, add one mile to each workout, take a walk on your lunch break, spend a few extra minutes prepping your meals or just keeping healthy snack with you on-the-go! It can be as simple as focusing on drinking more water! Whatever it is, tune in and find what small changes YOU need to make!"
Wish me luck!