But I love you guys and sent everybody good running vibes all day!
Today's workout:
Fire 45 EZ (new to class option)
514 calories/54:30
I freaking love Turbo Fire. I need to remember that amazing feeling I get during every cool down when I'm getting all grumpy pants about working out. And I'm a big fan of burning 500+ calories in one workout because let's face it, I love me some eating.
Wednesday is technically a rest day for Turbo Fire, but since I haven't been following the specified schedule for a while now, I thought it would be better to do what felt good than stress over it. After all, I spent most of my morning stressed out about exercise - I worked myself into an emotional frenzy, convinced that the only way I could be successful and get these irritating 10 pounds off was to be doing Body Pump again. Please disregard the fact that I made more changes to my body in 3 months of P90X than in several months of doing Body Pump regularly... and that my muscles tend to respond far faster to high weight/low rep strength training than the low weight/high rep training of Body Pump. So when my completely reasonable and not crazy emotional mom tried to gently suggest that maybe I should not drop $250 on a membership to a gym I didn't even want to belong to just so I could go to a class that I liked two years ago (with a different instructor and different people in the group, obviously)... I kind of lost it and spent several hours moping around. I'll admit it. It was a pouty princess moment.
By the by, Ms. Hilton's new show The World According to Paris debuted tonight. I watched about 3 minutes of it out of a morbid curiosity. Oh, how I wish I could have those minutes back.
So after I whined and moped and pouted (I swear, you guys, I am not always such a big baby about everything), I thought to myself, "Hey, self... pull it together. So you made a promise that you'd do Power Pairs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a month, who cares? Isn't it more important to get in a workout that you'll be happy with and excited about than to slave through some half-assed strength training just so you can whine about how much it sucked on your blog?"
I speak kindly to myself, I know.
Thus, Power Pairs was out and Turbo Fire was in. And I have to brag a little... I was planning on doing Fire 30 just as a little quickie workout, but I have been wanting to try Fire 45 EZ because of one song in it. A selection of the lyrics are as follows... ahem... "I'm a bad girl, break me like the law." I can work with that. So I tried it, and guess what, it might be my new favorite Turbo Fire workout! It was an absolute blast, and despite not feeling energetic at the beginning, I managed to stay pretty pumped through the whole thing. Now if I can just get that kind of energy to stick with me through tomorrow's run...
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