Today's run sucked. I can't even beat around the bush on this one. It was slow and painful and it was 95% humidity outside the entire time. It was only about 73 degrees, but because of the humidity, I felt like I was clawing my way through it. I got side stitches about 10 minutes in that lasted for most of the run. I think my shoes are getting to the end of their little shoe lives because my feet were throbbing and I had painful shin splints. Also, every joint in my body was revolting.
I did it.
I did not give up 10 minutes in. I did not say "it's okay, I'll walk the rest" when my right knee flared up. I didn't even say "2.75 was far enough" when I got close to my apartment and could have just finished the run early. I kept going.
It was a tough week for me in the health and fitness world. I worked six days this week because it's still spring break season and the Magic Kingdom has been a madhouse. When I wasn't working, I was exhausted and trying to just put one foot in front of the other. I tried my best to follow the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan, but there were days that one vegetable happened instead of four. One day a frozen margarita and a slice of cake appeared out of nowhere and forced me to eat them. That was a tough day.
And can we talk about workouts? Oh, let's talk about workouts. Of the seven 21 Day Fix workouts and three runs I had planned for the week, I did three 21DF workouts and one run. Not my most impressive statistics.
So the fact that I got through the run today after skipping workouts and not eating my best is pretty much a miracle and I will take it, side stitches and all.
Happy Sunday Runday, kids. Whether your run/workout today is awesome or awful, pat yourself on the back for getting it done!

I like your blog a lot! Even though I'm not much of a runner:D