Yesterday's workout:
Today's workout:
Not dying
Quick recap of yesterday: I ate a lot of delicious food at breakfast because... reasons. Then went to Trader Joe's and bought more delicious food. I couldn't help myself, there was pumpkin everything. Then I went to BodyJam for the first time in MONTHS and was so so so happy.
Then I woke up today and realized that I either pulled something jamming it out last night or my back has just suddenly decided to loathe my bed. Either way, my back spent most of the day randomly seizing up. So that was super fun. I had planned on a 3 mile run today, but it wasn't happening with the back pain. In an effort to see the silver lining, though, I took this unexpected rest day to focus on getting back to healthy eating. And by healthy eating, I mean trying to follow the 80/20 rule of 80% clean eating, 20% indulgences. Let's be real, I'll be psyched if I hit 70/30. I really love processed carbs, kids.

Breakfast was vanilla Shakeology with Trader Joe's pumpkin butter blended in - I'm not kidding when I say that I now own everything pumpkin that store has to offer. Lunch was a bagel thin with roast beef and cheddar, plus some carrots and grapes on the side. Dinner was tacos with Trader Joe's reduced guilt guacamole. Otherwise known as my new addiction. Not pictured here is my new favorite snack, which is an apple and Yoplait whipped Greek yogurt in vanilla cupcake. IT IS GLORIOUS.

The real goal right now is to get back on the Weight Watchers bandwagon. I know, I know... this isn't my first rodeo. For those of you new to my story, here it is in a nutshell: I lost 35 pounds, I became a Leader, I maintained, I gained a little bit back, I lost it again, I came to Florida, I gained 25 pounds, and have been trying to lose those 25 pounds for three years. It's not pretty and I'm not proud. But I will say that I have worked harder this year to get back to my goal than I have the whole time I've been in Florida. Following 21 Day Fix got me back on track with my eating and paying a lot more attention to WHAT I was eating. I really started looking closely at labels and caring about ingredients. But as great as that was, it got to me, and I wanted to eat clean 100% of the time. As it turns out, that sucks. It sucks a lot. It means you don't get ketchup and I really love ketchup. So I spiraled out of control in the other direction and stopped caring at all what I ate! That lasted about two days before I wanted to die. Now I'm realizing that Weight Watchers always has been, and likely always will be, my happy place. I like that it doesn't tell me what I can and cannot eat (because I'm a small child), but it still gives me guidelines. And that's what I need right now.
In unrelated news, I had a really big interview today for something I am really excited about. So if you've got some extra pixie dust laying around, please feel free to send it my way!